[Zope] Re: PDF needs ExternalFile Object with byte-range capability?

Christopher G. Petrilli petrilli@amber.org
Wed, 3 Feb 1999 16:57:46 -0500

On Wed, Feb 03, 1999 at 04:17:53PM -0500, Michel Pelletier wrote:
> Brad,
> (sorry about not quoting Brad, we're still in the throws of mail
> server hell)
> We've kicked around the idea of an ExternalFile object, and I
> started a small project that fizzed out.  My question was where to
> draw the line, do we make it a simple pipe to one file, or a Folderoid
> object that 'mounts' a part of a filesystem into Zope?  The first
> would be pretty simple, the second would be pretty hard, IMO.

The first would be enough I think for MOST people in the near term... 

> Out of curiosity, what would byte ranging buy you? Do some clients
> request ranges?  I think I read about this in the HTTP 1.1 spec...

Um, byte-serving allows PDF files to be served as PAGES, instead of the
whole thing... great for large manuals, it only requests the bytes it
actually needs to draw the page... 0-1000, 1000-2000, 3000-4000, etc.

| Christopher Petrilli
| petrilli@amber.org