[Zope] Little problem with DTML
FR Chalaoux
Thu, 4 Feb 1999 20:27:06 +0100
Hi All,
I spend a long day trying to play with DTML and SQL method.
Thus, I decided to ask to experts :)
My problem is to print the result of a an SQL method "call" only if a
condition is realized.
I readed many thing on documentation but even sqltest, sqlgroup,
insert DTML in sql method, gave me not a solution. I admit also
that these new notions are a bit new for me but more exemple
should also help me.
I have a properties(monthvalue : January, February, ....) that I want
to test against a value of a column of the resulting sql method
(view_star_mois). If the record contents a column with the
sequence-item then I print the record. This is the only solution I
found to order by month my records in a gadfly database :)
Document template
<!--#in monthvalue-->
<!--#in view_star_month-->
<!--#if "month == _vars['sequence-item']"-->
<!--#var starname--> <!--#var month--> <!--#var year--> <!--#var
SQL method : view_star_month
select * from star
Question 1
This algorithm is not very efficient cause I have to call an sql
method for each sequence-item. Is there
an other solution?
Question 2
The previous DTML sequence creates an empty html file. Why,
cause my records database contents these months?
Question 3
Internationalization is not yet there for the date in Zope. Do you
think with Python 1.2 this should come?
Help please, FR.
François-Régis Chalaoux
Bioinformatics Group
Synthélabo Biomoléculaire
67080 Strasbourg Cedex
Tél : 03 88 60 87 14
Fax : 03 88 45 90 70