[Zope] FastCGI with ZPublisher

Phillip J. Eby pje@telecommunity.com
Mon, 08 Feb 1999 16:32:10 -0500

At 03:22 PM 2/8/99 -0500, Phillip J. Eby wrote:
>Well, here they are:

A couple of things I neglected to mention about those modules...

Robin Dunn's fcgi.py apparently does not work with cgi-fcgi on IRIX.  It
hangs waiting to receive all of the STDIN stream.  To get it to work on my
platform, I had to hack it in two places to check CONTENT_LENGTH and modify
its behavior accordingly.  Apparently cgi-fcgi doesn't send an EOF on the
STDIN stream until/unless Apache closes STDIN, and Apache isn't doing that.
 Why?  Who knows.

Second thing I neglected to mention...  the USE_THREADS option is pretty
much worthless on the same platform with Robin Dunn's fcgi.py, because when
I enable it, the server seems to hang in a socket call somewhere.  I
suspect it's an IRIX sockets-and-threads-don't-mix type of problem.  :(  So
much for having multithreaded FastCGI today.

If anybody is using FastCGI on other platforms, could you please give the
modules a try and let me know if they work with USE_THREADS=1?  It would be
nice to know whether it's an IRIX problem or whether I'm just not doing the
thread stuff right.  Thanks.