[Zope] More Newbie DTML questions
Brad Clements
Tue, 9 Feb 1999 16:52:46 -0400
On 9 Feb 99, at 13:22, Timothy Grant wrote:
> However, if I want to test the existence of two objects, I can do none of
> the following:
> <!--#if Object1Name or Object2Name-->
> <!--#if expr="Object1Name or Object2Name"-->
> <!--#if expr="(Object1Name <> '' ) or (Object2Name<>'')"-->
<!--#if expr="_.has_key('Object1Name') or _.has_key('Object2Name')"-->
For this:
> <FORM ACTION="index_html" METHOD="POST">
> <p>Display Form One</p>
> <input type="submit" name="Continue" value="Continue" align="CENTER">
> </FORM>
> <!--#if Continue-->
> <FORM ACTION="index_html" METHOD="POST">
> <p>Display Form Two</p>
> <input type="submit" name="Calculate" value="Calculate" align="CENTER">
<input type=hidden name="Continue" value="<--#var Continue-->">
> </FORM>
> <!--#/if-->
I think you need to add the hidden var shown above.
Brad Clements, bkc@murkworks.com (315)268-1000
http://www.murkworks.com (315)268-9812 Fax
netmeeting: ils://ils.murkworks.com ICQ: 14856937
We must come down from our heights, and leave our straight
paths, for the byways and low places of life, if we would
learn truths by strong contrasts; and in hovels, in forecastles,
and among our own outcasts in foreign lands, see what has been
wrought upon our fellow-creatures by accident, hardship, or vice.
- Richard Henry Dana, Jr. 1836