[Zope] ZopeHTTPServer Shutting down on Netscape Error

Timothy Grant tjg@avalongroup.net
Fri, 12 Feb 1999 13:31:04 -0800

Hi all,

I've run into an interesting little problem with the ZopeHTTPServer. I
usually run Opera, but recently have been conducting tests with Navigator
4.08. I have discovered that this version of Navigator has a bad habit of
GPFing on going into the management screens. The GPF is not the problem,
the problem is that ZopeHTTPServer dies a quiet death. I don't know whether
I have something configured wrong or what. I didn't think a broken pipe
error would bring Zope to its knees, but it appears as if it is.

Any light would be greatly appreciated.
Stand Fast,
Timothy J. Grant				tjg@avalongroup.net
Avalon Technology Group			www.avalongroup.net
(503) 246-3630 voice                              	
(503) 246-3124 fax			    	

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