[Zope] Re: UserDB: docLogout, LoginRequired traceback.

Anthony Baxter Anthony Baxter <anthony@interlink.com.au>
Mon, 15 Feb 1999 21:53:33 +1100

> Can someone tell me what the docLogout page does? How does
> it get called? I'd like to have the ability to flush the
> cookie from the users system (useful for when they're on
> a shared system)...

ok, I dived into the code for this one... docLogout can be called
as acl_users/docLogout, and it will set the magic login cookie to
the string "deleted". This is good.

> Also, when using cookie-based auth, the docLogin page gets
> a LoginRequired exception traceback scribbled below it - is
> there any way to fix/stop this?

This, I still don't know...

On a more fundamental note, I'm trying to mix UserDb and normal
User Folders, and I'm not having a lot of luck working out how it

Let's say I have the following layout of folders:


top contains generic DTML, SQL methods, and the like, for use by
both users and admins. Users have a home page of interface/top/user,
which looks in the "user/" folder for configuration information (like
what links they are presented with). 
admins have a top page of interface/top/admin. This has a different
set of configuration items (a tinytable, other bits).

Now, in the top/ folder, I've created both admin and user roles, and
I've put a UserDb in it. I initially wanted to have the UserDb in only
the user/ folder, with the assumption that acquiring objects from the
top/ folder would "just work" without defining the users in the
top/ folder... This didn't work (no idea why, anyone?). 

I would still like to also have a separate User Folder in the admin
directory, since administrative accounts are not stored in the SQL
database used by users. But no matter what I do, I always get prompted
with the docLogin screen from the top/ UserDb.

Thanks for any help with understanding this stuff :)
