[Zope] Hiding Products

Scott Robertson sroberts@codeit.com
Mon, 15 Feb 1999 12:17:40 -0800 (PST)

On Fri, 12 Feb 1999, Mike Pelletier wrote:

>     I'm not following you.  Or perhaps you're not following me.  I'm not
> unhappy with the behaviour of my Folderish class.  I want to hide my
> supporting class from the standard Folder management interface.  What
> specifically do I want to override to accomplish that?

Sorry about the vagueness. This was something I did as an experiment. I did
it with a Document, but I think you can figure it out with a little
bit of poking around. Here is a basic example of what I did with an object
that was derived from a document yet overrides the management screens.

#--Begin Sample-----

class MyObject(Document.Document):
  "Doc String"
   manage_editForm=HTMLFile('mydocumentEdit', globals())
   manage = manage_main = manage_editDocument = manage_editForm
   ...other class code...


What I have done is overridden the default manage functions with a DTML
method that displays my very own edit page. Which happens to replace the
<textarea> widget with a Java applet. It all works except I was having
problems getting the applet to post info back to Zope and I haven't had
time to sit down and fix it yet.

Let me know if you would like to see the rest of the code.  

- Scott Robertson             Phone: 714.972.2299 -
- CodeIt Computing            Fax:   714.972.2399 -
-                http://codeit.com                -