[Zope] more help with externs, please . . .
Brad Clements
Wed, 17 Feb 1999 13:04:18 -0400
On 17 Feb 99, at 11:44, David Wagle wrote:
Try this:
<!--#var "dwtest()"-->
I've made similar changes to my external functions and indeed,
self.REQUEST works.
However self.RESPONSE doesn't seem to work, so I still have to pass
that explicitely. Anyone know why?
> Ok, I thought I had a handle on this after Amos' message
> yesterday . . .but I clearly don't have a clue as to what
> is going on.
> I have the following external method:
> def dwtest(self,REQUEST=None):
> "find out what the hell is going on with REQUEST headers"
> if REQUEST is None and hasattr(self,'REQUEST'):
> return "REQUEST is None and hasattr(self,'REQUEST')"
> elif REQUEST is None and not hasattr(self,'REQUEST'):
> return "REQUEST is None. Self does not have attr REQUEST"
> elif REQUEST is not None and hasattr(self,'REQUEST'):
> return "REQUEST is not None. self has attr REQUEST"
> elif REQUEST is not None and not hasattr(self,'REQUEST'):
> return "REQUEST is not none. self does not have attr"
> If I call it with the URL, I get the expected:
> REQUEST is not None. self has attr REQUEST
> If I call it with the DTML <!--#var "dwtest('REQUEST')"--> I get:
> REQUEST is None. Self does not have attr REQUEST"
> ???
> I am missing somethign really fundamental here, and I don't know
> what it is.
> Help please. ...
> daw
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Brad Clements, bkc@murkworks.com (315)268-1000
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