[Zope] Getting started questions...
James A. Hillyerd
Wed, 17 Feb 1999 13:28:16 -0800 (PST)
Hi, I'm new to Python (have done lots of Perl and Java on Unix though) and
to Zope. I really like what I have seen of Zope, and would like to try
and use it for my next project.
The project has an interesting requirement, and I'm not sure how to
accomplish it using the Zope Platform. I need to be able to package up
the project and distribute it to multiple web servers automatically. If I
did this project using cgi/perl and html I would probably just tar
everything up and put it on an ftp server, which the other servers could
check daily and update their code/html when a new tarball was available.
How can I do something like this with Zope? I'd like to keep all my
dtml/html/python code in normal text files, not in the object database.
All the application data will be kept in some sort of SQL server, so if I
can't eliminate the need for the object database entirely it would make my
life easier. From what I've read on zope.org it sounds like I want Bobo,
without Principia.
In other words, I'd like to be able to walk over to a machine with my SQL
database and apache installed on it and type:
rpm -i zope-ver.rpm
rpm -i zope-pcgi-ver.rpm
tar xzf my_project.tgz
Then be able to use my project from a web browser, without having to go in
and configure it as a product or extention in Zope.
Thanks for any help.
[] James A. Hillyerd <jamesh@altavista.net> Java Developer
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