[Zope] size of text area in "Edit" view of Documents, and external editing

Martijn Pieters mj@atmm.nl
Fri, 19 Feb 1999 14:57:47 +0100

At 04:09 18/02/99 , Piers Lauder wrote:
>I have a query about the size of the text area in "Edit" views of Documents.
>This is far too small for my liking, and I've found that the Taller/Wider
>buttons only work once - the result is still too small. My question is:
>can I alter the default height and width in the Zope source somewhere -
>if so where? (And why don't the change-size buttons work more than once?)

Dunno, they work fine for me, they size all the way to Alaska if needed. What
browser do you use?

>A second query is - can I save the DTML from the edit view to a file,
>edit the file, and then upload the result to replace the original DTML?
>(Which might be far faster than using the browser window's non-existsent
>editing abilities :-)

Using ZServer you can use FTP to get the DTML source, and put it back the same

M.J. Pieters, Web Developer
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