[Zope] Var includes
Martijn Pieters
Fri, 19 Feb 1999 17:55:13 +0100
>Do I have to write an External Function to split the directory and
>perform the equivalent of nested <!--#with-->'s to include this? I had
>hoped for a simple DTML based solution.
<!--#in expr="_.string.split(location, '/')"-->
<!--#if sequence-start-->
<!--#call "REQUEST.set('strFolder', _['sequence-item'])"-->
<!--#call "REQUEST.set('strDocument', _['sequence-item'])"-->
Now we have altered the namespace. Now, these objects, are they _IN_ the
current folder (i.e. in folder temp_people the folder uid the object studinfo)?
Then you do:
<!--#in expr="_.getitem(strFolder).objectItems(['Folder'])"-->
<!--#if "_['sequence-key'] == strDocument"-->
<!--#with sequence-item-->
<!--#var title--> <== now in the namespace of the subobject
Took me a minute, but it works.
M.J. Pieters, Web Developer
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