[Zope] DTML Q

Clint Shelby McCulloch csm@io.com
Fri, 19 Feb 1999 14:03:24 -0600 (CST)

Hmmmm.  I've been trying to persuade DTML to do something
like below.  The context is a document which can post to itself and fill
out any form defaults to appropriately.

<!--#in skills_to_enter-->

<select NAME="selectSkill<!--#var sequence-item-->">
<!--#in skills-->
	<OPTION VALUE="<!--#var skill_id-->" 
	<!--#if "REQUEST.form.has_key('selectSkill' +_vars['sequence-item'])"-->
	   <!--#if "skill_id==REQUEST.form['selectSkill' +_vars['sequence-item']"-->
      <!--#var skill-->


skills_to_enter is a document property consisting of the tokens 1-10.
Skills is a tiny table with a list of skill_id's and skills.

The DTML above does not properly set the REQUEST.form key to a dynamic
value. Is there a better to do this sort of thing?