[Zope] Backing up Zope's database?
Wed, 24 Feb 1999 21:21:44 +0100
> Paul Everitt wrote:
> >
> > Martijn wrote:
> > Instead, use cron. Write a little ZRPC (or just httplib) script that
> > connects to the Control Panel and executes a pack.
> I should look into ZRPC. And on how to do cron on NT (sigh :). Perhaps
> arcserve can start a little script before it starts to do the backup. I
> don't know much about arcserve (I didn't install it), and I should delve
> further tomorrow in exactly *what* is failing.
Arcserve has options to run scripts prior to and after each backup/restore/copy session ;-)
BTW, arcserve HATES doing backups of open files even when files are opened O_RDONLY.
The arcserve job queue actually can be used as a nice scheduling system for servers when you leave the real job empty and only use before/after backup scripts.
<- Ronald Offerman | ron@offerman.cx
<- Root Powered Carrot Munchers Ltd. Inc. SA AG BV
"This is Linux Country. On a quiet night, you can hear Windows NT reboot!"
"Daddy, why do those people have to use Microsoft Windows?"
"Don't stare, son; it's not polite."
"M$ Windows NT, an accident waiting to happen"
"What goes up, must come down. Ask any system administrator."
".sig too big? Flame me, I'm cold!"