[Zope] tree tag global navigation

Martijn Pieters mj@atmm.nl
Thu, 25 Feb 1999 21:14:19 +0100

At 01:36 25-2-99 , Michael Bernstein wrote:
>Martijn Pieters wrote:
>> >Step 2: Create a DTML method named SideBar in your root folder with the
>> >following code:
>> >
>> ><!--#tree branches=getFoldersOnly-->
>> ><A HREF="<!--#var BASE1-->/<!--#var tree-item-url-->"><!--#var id--></A>
>> ><!--#/tree-->
>> >
>> You can skip the External Method if you use the branches_expr tag, instead
>> of the branches tag, like so:
>> <!--#tree branches_expr="objectValues(['Folder'])"-->
>> <A HREF="<!--#var BASE1-->/<!--#var tree-item-url-->"><!--#var id--></A>
>> <!--#/tree-->
>Is there a performance difference between these two approaches? If not, I
>think I would prefer to factor out the method, as it might come in handy
>somewhere else.
>Michael Bernstein

I think the latter version, branches_expr, would be faster, but only by a
merest sliver of a fraction. The external method is after all another stack
level. Using the branches expression skips a step. Compare

EM: branches -> external method -> tree-list-expression
Direct: branches_expr -> tree-list-expression