[Zope] Upgrade Difficulties from 1.9 to 1.10.
Thu, 25 Feb 1999 14:35:27 -0600
>solberg@platinum.com wrote:
>> ImportError: ('cPickle.UnpicklingError', "invalid load key,
>> Does anyone know how to solve this one?
>The pickle code 'G' is for the binary float format. The binary float
>format has been an optional feature of cPickle for some time. It
>was not turned on by default until Python 1.5.2(xx). Your Zope
>1.9 installation used a version of cPickle with binary floats
>enabled and your Zope 1.10 installation is using a version
>of cPickle with binary floats disabled. This is most likely
>because the 1.10 installation is using a Python interpreter
>with an older version of cPickle.
Yes. I was using ZopeHTTPServer with 1.9 and we switched to Apache 1.3.3 for
1.10. We also
switched from using the Python that came with 1.9 to using our own download of
Python 1.5.1
>You need to make sure that you are using a version of cPickle
>with binary floats enabled. If cPickle is statically linked,
>you need to change it to be dynamically kinked or provide the
>option -DFORMAT_1_3.
Jim, Could you provide some more details on this? I did not install Python
am not sure what to do.
My initial questions are:
1) I have 1.5.1 of Python. Do I need to get the 1.5.2 version?
OR.. Do I need to get a new version of cPickle?
2) I think we have the source for Python. Where do we change the option for
cPickle to be dynamically linked or where do we
specify the option -DFORMAT_1_3.
Thanks for your help,
John Solberg