[Zope] Upgrade Difficulties from 1.9 to 1.10.

Steve Spicklemire steve@estel.uindy.edu
Thu, 25 Feb 1999 15:43:41 -0500 (EST)

I could be wrong, but I think you might also get this if you are
pulling a different cPickle becuase you use


rather than

sys.path = ['pathToYourZopeDir'] + sys.path


>>>>> "solberg" == solberg  <solberg@platinum.com> writes:

    solberg> I am trying to migrate my Data.bbb file from my 1.9
    solberg> installation to a new 1.10 installation.  I get a "Sorry,
    solberg> a SERIOUS APPLICATION ERROR occurred." message.  In the
    solberg> source of the page, it has the following:


    solberg> line 271, in setstate ImportError:
    solberg> ('cPickle.UnpicklingError', &quot;invalid load key,
    solberg> 'G'.&quot;)

    solberg> </body> </html>
    solberg> =========================================================