[Zope] Gratuitous password reminders a few days ago...
Ken Manheimer
Fri, 26 Feb 1999 12:57:11 -0500
As many of you must have noticed, a few days ago a batch of password
reminders were sent out by www.zope.org to you all. This batch was not
the regularly scheduled one - in fact, it was spectacularly off-schedule
- a few of you may have noticed that the reminders were dated Feb 6,
2036. The www.zope.org machine has been having some clock drift
problems. We set up a frequent rdate synchronization with one of the
NIST standard clocks to correct for it until we could concentrate on
getting the clock problem repaired (we have enough fires besides), but
either the clock drifted suddenly enough, or the rdate/standard clock
sustained some terrible fluke, that a bad time slipped by. In any case,
in its addled state the machine apparently decided it's time to send out
the notices.
The regular time for sending the notices is the first hour of the first
day of the month. I will disable that for this upcoming month, and not
trust it to a automatically scheduled routine until we track down this
problem. Anyway, sorry about the gratuituous messages...
Ken Manheimer