[Zope] - Zope + Python CE

Wolf Logan wolf@searchbutton.com
Wed, 13 Jan 1999 18:30:34 -0800

howdy -- i'm from over in the zope list, but i thought i'd mention that
sockets are always available on win CE, but TCP/IP addresses depend on the
TCP/IP stack, which depends on some transport that can handle TCP/IP being
available. if you don't have a network adapter (and are not dialed-up),
you'll get IrDA networking, which can support sockets, but not TCP/IP.

i have to stop now. i've already told you more than i know.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Robin Dunn [SMTP:robin@alldunn.com]
> Sent:	Wednesday, January 13, 1999 5:38 PM
> >- What's the problem?
> >
> >  Everything appears to work okay with the a network card
> >  plugged in and the CE device connected to the network.
> >  ZopeHTTPServer serves its data to its local IP address.
> >  When the network card is removed, however, the socket
> >  stuff does not want to run on  I've yet to
> >  discover if this is a CE problem or just the Python CE
> >  implementation of the socket module.  Do other Win32
> >  programs have this problem?
> >
> The original Win95 (and presumably latter versions as well as win98...  I
> don't know) would not load the TCP/IP stack unless there is a network
> card,
> or the system is currently connected via Dial-up-networking.  Maybe WinCE
> has the same bug, (or feature if you ask Microsoft...)