[Zope] - *IMPORTANT* Licensing Issues
Hadar Pedhazur
Zope License" <zope-license@zope.org
Sat, 23 Jan 1999 20:55:27 -0500
I've just posted a FAQ to the License section. You can jump
straight to it via: http://www.zope.org/License/FAQ.
It's _really_ long, so I apologize in advance. The really
meaty (meaning _important_) part is toward the end (though
it probably is close to 40% by volume).
The point is this, if we want wide distribution in the Linux
community, via the standard CD's (RedHat, Debian, Caldera,
Suse, etc.), we will likely have to drop our attribution
clause. By dropping it, I mean at the very least making it
voluntary rather than mandatory. The end of the license FAQ
deals with this issue in some detail (without arriving at
any good conclusion!).
So, since _you_ are the community, and not the distributors,
I'm asking for some help on this. Please don't send any
comments before reading the FAQ. I don't need a rehash of
points already discussed to death, especially if they are
passionate :-(. What I'd like in particular, are any fresh
thoughts on the subject that could help sway us one way or
the other.
Finally, I don't want to pollute this list with a license
flame war. So please, send your responses to