[Zope] - Standard Variables in DTML

David Brown davidbro@home.com
Mon, 25 Jan 1999 12:15:50 -0800

First, it would be nice if there were an exhaustive list of variables
that can be accessed within a DTML document.  If there is such a list,
could someone direct me there?

I used to use Frontier, but switched to Zope becuase:

   a. I like to hack
   b. I like that Zope runs under Linux
   c. Python rocks
   d. It's free, and since this is just for fun, I didn't want
      to pay for Frontier (which is a wonderful product, and I
      would seriously consider it if I were doing this for anything
      other than my own amusement).

One of the things I liked about Frontier was the template stuff, and
I'm slowly figuring out how to do the same sort of thing in Zope, by
modifying "standard_html_header" and "standard_html_footer" to set
up my own theme, but that's not really the right way to do it.  I wish
I could set up something closer to Templates in Zope, and perhaps I
will, but it would be cool if someone beat me to it.

Also, I like including the actual document name in the footer of my
pages so that if something looks weird, I know where to start looking.
And since this is something I want in all my pages, it seems logical
to put it in "standard_html_footer".  I looked through the DTML reference,
and found the <!--#var document_id--> should work, but it -- as it probably
should -- returns "standard_html_footer".  I'd really like to be able to
get the name of the "master" document.  Will I have to mine the REQUEST
headers for that info, or is there a more straightforward way of doing

dave (zope newbie, python newbie)