[Zope] - Standard Variables in DTML

Phillip J. Eby pje@telecommunity.com
Mon, 25 Jan 1999 18:01:32 -0500

At 01:34 PM 1/25/99 -0800, David Brown wrote:
>On Mon, Jan 25, 1999 at 04:27:26PM -0500, Phillip J. Eby wrote:
>> Why not do this:
>> <A HREF="manage_main">Edit this page</A>
>> No DTML required, and you can click to go instantly to the management
>> interface for that page.  No need to even bother knowing what it's called,
>> just go in and fix the sucker.  :)
>Well, certainly that solves the REAL problem, but I, being a hacker, have
>fixated on the original problem, and will obsess on it until I figure out
>how to do it.

One way:

<!--#var "standard_html_footer(_.None,_,document_id=document_id)"-->

This'll pass the document_id in as a parameter.

Another way, that only needs to be done in standard_html_footer itself:

<!--#var "URL0[_.len(URL1)+1:]"-->

Should give you the last part of the URL (I think).  What I'm trying to say
there is, "Take the URL0 variable, and skip over the part that's the same
as URL1, leaving the last part of URL0."