[Zope] - Re : Problem with iteration

FR Chalaoux chalaouxf@synbio.tpgnet.net
Wed, 27 Jan 1999 15:02:17 +0100

Thanks Mike, 

I tried also _['sequence-item'] and it 

In fact, I aim to construct a select 
popup using these sequence-items but 
add the attribut 'SELECTED' only to an 
item equal to certain a variable 
coming from previous form.

So in my test,  _['sequence-item'] 
should be evaluate against this 
variable, <!--#var  day-->.  For the 
test I declared and attributed the 
variable 'day' in a propriety of  my 

DTML file 
> <!--#in test2-->  
>   <!--#if "_vars['sequence-item'] == 
<!--#var day-->"-->  
>     <!--#var sequence-item-->  
>   <!--#/if-->  
> <!--#/in-->  

And there, no error file, only an 
empty htlm file. 
For the test, I am pretty sure that 
'day' is a possibility of  
_vars['sequence-item'] . 


François-Régis Chalaoux
Bioinformatics Group
Synthélabo Biomoléculaire
67080 Strasbourg Cedex
Tél : 03 88 60 87 14
Fax : 03 88 45 90 70