[Zope] another beginners question about dtml

Lauri Posti lauri@linnet.ee
Fri, 2 Jul 1999 22:53:09 +0300 (EEST)


the question is: 
how to determine the number of elements in list?
in my case nubmer of elements in PARENTS[] .

the problem is:
create list of subfolder of folder and it subfolders if there are some.

or can anyone give better solution than using PARENTS?
the current code is:

<!--#in "PARENTS[-3].objectValues(['Folder'])"-->
   <!--#if "PARENTS[-4].id==id"-->
          nowrap=1 width=7% align=center valign=center><b>
	<font face="helvetica" size=2>&nbsp;<a href=/etf/ee/<!--#var id-->
         style="text-decoration: none" ><font color=#ffffff><!--#var title_or_id-->


Lauri Posti