[Zope] Pluggable brains?
Tony McDonald
Mon, 5 Jul 1999 08:29:07 +0100
At 7:09 pm -0500 4/7/99, Phillip J. Eby wrote:
>At 01:07 AM 7/5/99 +0200, Alexander Staubo wrote:
>>Could somebody explain the concept of pluggable brains? I have come
>>across this phrase more than once, and I still don't know what it is. Is
>>there any documentation on this?
>>Is it by any chance related to an SQL Method's ability to represent data
>>records with Python classes?
>Yes. Sorry for the term, I picked it up from Jim Fulton back when it was
>an about-to-be-added feature for Principia/Aqueduct. As with so many
>Fultonisms, it's vivid and tends to stick in one's (non-pluggable) brain.
At last! an explanation....I came across this term and thought it was
the strangest thing I'd seen in a software description for a long
time (visions of Igor passing a 'fresh brain' to a ZopeMeister came
to mind!).
Dr Tony McDonald, FMCC, Networked Learning Environments Project
The Medical School, Newcastle University Tel: +44 191 222 5888
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