[Zope] 'selection' and 'multiple selection' property types

Martijn Pieters mj@antraciet.nl
Wed, 07 Jul 1999 16:32:08 +0200

At 20:48 05/07/99 , Alex Rice wrote:
>Is there an example anywhere of how to use these? I am looking in
>ZPublisher/Converters.py (2.0a3) and they are not defined there. Are
>these property types not implemented yet?

They are, for displaying a list as a SELECT field. It is very limited, you 
can only use it for one field per propertysheet, but here goes:

If you have a tokens or lines property, lets call it 'colours_list', you 
can display a SELECT list on your propertysheet by defining a property 
called 'select_variable', type string, set to 'colours_list', and a 
variable named, lets say, 'colours', type selection or multiple selection.

If you choose type 'selection', 'colours' will one value out of the 
'colours_list' list, which the user of the propertysheet can select from a 
drop-down box.

If you choose type 'multiple selection', 'colours' will hold a list of 0 or 
more values from the 'colours_list' list, which the user can select from 
the scrolling list. The height of the listbox is either 7 or the number of 
elements in 'colour_list', whichever is the smallest.

Personally, I'd like it to be more flexible on what list property is being 
used to fill the drop-down list or listbox. Maybe, for a (multiple) 
selection property named xxx, you should define a text property named 
xxx_select_variable. This way you can have more than one (multiple) 
selection property on any given propertysheet.


// The following four vars could be defined on a seperate
// propertysheet without a public view
colours_list (tokens) = "red yellow green blue"
colours_select_variable (string) = "colours_list"
sizes_list (tokens) = "smallest small smaller medium larger large largest"
sizes_select_variable (string) = "sizes_list"

// These property defined on a public propertysheet
colours (selection) = "red" (populated from 'colours_list')
sizes (selection) = "medium" (populated from 'sizes_list').

Patch to properties.dtml to support this:
*** properties.dtml~    Wed Jul  7 15:37:41 1999
--- properties.dtml     Wed Jul  7 16:18:08 1999
*** 64,72 ****
     "getProperty(id)"--><!--#var sequence-item--><!--#if
     <!--#elif "type=='selection'"-->
!     <!--#if "_.has_key(select_variable)"-->
       <select name="<!--#var id-->">
!       <!--#in "_[select_variable]"-->
             ><!--#var sequence-item--></option>
--- 64,72 ----
     "getProperty(id)"--><!--#var sequence-item--><!--#if
     <!--#elif "type=='selection'"-->
!     <!--#if "_.has_key(_[id + '_select_variable'])"-->
       <select name="<!--#var id-->">
!       <!--#in "_[_[id + '_select_variable']]"-->
             ><!--#var sequence-item--></option>
*** 73,90 ****
!        No value for <!--#var select_variable-->
     <!--#elif "type=='multiple selection'"-->
!     <!--#if select_variable-->
       <select name="<!--#var id-->:list" multiple
!       size="<!--#var "_.min(7, _.len(_[select_variable]))"-->">
!       <!--#in "_[select_variable]"-->
            "_['sequence-item'] in getProperty(id)"--> SELECTED<!--#endif
            -->><!--#var sequence-item--></option>
     <em>Unknown property type</em>
--- 73,92 ----
!        No value for <!--#var "_[id + 'select_variable']"-->
     <!--#elif "type=='multiple selection'"-->
!     <!--#if "_.has_key(_[id + '_select_variable'])"-->
       <select name="<!--#var id-->:list" multiple
!       size="<!--#var "_.min(7, _.len(_[_[id + '_select_variable']]))"-->">
!       <!--#in "_[_[id + '_select_variable']]"-->
            "_['sequence-item'] in getProperty(id)"--> SELECTED<!--#endif
            -->><!--#var sequence-item--></option>
+     <!--#else-->
+        No value for <!--#var "_[id + 'select_variable']"-->
     <em>Unknown property type</em>

Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
| Antraciet http://www.antraciet.nl
| Tel: +31-35-7502100 Fax: +31-35-7502111
| mailto:mj@antraciet.nl http://www.antraciet.nl/~mj
| PGP: http://wwwkeys.nl.pgp.net:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xA8A32149