[Zope] Changing tree icon colors
Martijn Pieters
Thu, 08 Jul 1999 11:38:26 +0200
At 11:29 08/07/99 , Petru Paler wrote:
> > Try the attached file. I seem to have problems with either IRIX diff or
> > with linewrapping in emails... The patch is generated by CVS diff, and
> > atachments don't suffer from wrapperitis. It should patch 1.10.3
> TreeTag.py
> > to support childless_decoration, openened_decoration and closed_decoration
> > attributes.
> Will this patch be integrated in the main Zope distribution ?
I don't know. I entered it into the Collector as a feature request. It's up
to DC to decide if they want it r not, and wether I implemented it the way
it was originally intended.
Right now, the URL for the icons is prepended with SCRIPT_NAME. That means
that if your Zope installation is server via an external webserver at
http://www.myserver.dom/Zope, and you specify childless_decoration to be
'/HelpSys/hs_dnode' that the image at the URL /Zope/HelpSys/hs_dnode will
be used. To me, this seemed a good idea. Maybe DC has different ideas about
this, and will alter this behaviour.
Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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