[Zope] documentation bugs
Cees de Groot
Tue, 13 Jul 1999 21:51:12 +0200
bruce@perens.com said:
> Now I know there are visual tools to edit SGML but I don't know what
> they are.
Emacs :-).
Emacs PSGML mode does a lot that expensive editing package do, like validation
and context-sensitive tag insertion. Vim has an SGML mode that makes editing
easier through color-highlighting. Frame+SGML and WordPerfect are supposed to
support DocBook, but I don't know whether support is up-to-date. ArborText
Adept is what we use under Windows, a pro package with pro pricing (around
1200 dollars per seat, IIRC). That's everything I'm aware of...
Cees de Groot http://www.cdegroot.com <cg@cdegroot.com>
http://www.sgmltools.org <cg@sgmltools.org>