[Zope] Text won't Wrap on Zope site

Martijn Pieters mj@antraciet.nl
Wed, 14 Jul 1999 14:12:26 +0200

At 13:43 14/07/99 , Paul Everitt wrote:

>Cees wrote:
> > bob@rocnet.com said:
> > > TEXT Does NOT wrap! It requires using scroll bars to read.
> >
> > I noticed the same with Netscape. Even though my laptop does
> > 1024x768, it's a
> > PITA and bad style to have non-wrapping text.
>OK, I'll bite...let's say I have a <PRE> block encoding the rewrite rule
>for Apache.  Putting in a line break would break it.
>Let's say I quote a snippet of Python and I put in a break where the
>author didn't intend a break to be.  Hmm, that seems like bad style.
>_That's_ the reason that those pages don't wrap.  They include lines
>that must be entered exacly the way they are, such as shell commands to
>start up Zope.
>FWIW, the pages are written as Structured Text, which converts to HTML
>automatically from the text file that ships as doc/CHANGES.txt.

And if you click on the 'Printable Page' link on the bottom, you will be 
given a non-table version of the text, where everything not within <PRE> 
tags will wrap neatly within your browser window, instead of within the 
table cell (which has been expanded to accommodate the width of the widest 
<PRE> tag).\

Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
| Antraciet http://www.antraciet.nl
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