[Zope] why are DA-s in two places on zope.org ?

Amos Latteier amos@aracnet.com
Tue, 20 Jul 1999 11:24:50 -0700

At 12:09 PM 7/20/99 +0300, Hannu Krosing wrote:
>This question is mainly to the maintainers of www.zope.org
>Why are some Zope Database adapters (Sybase, Adabas) listed 
>only in Contributed area while others, including contributed 
>PostgreSQL DA, are under Database Adaptors ?

Some adapters are released by Digital Creations, some are contributed by
community members. I'll add links between the sections.

BTW, the new Zope site will hopefully not suffer from this kind of
annoyance. You should be able to do a search of DA and find all DA's on the
site. In fact there will probably be a DA page build from a live query like
this. This will make it less important where on the site an object is located.
