[Zope] Sequences and SQL
Ken Manheimer
Tue, 20 Jul 1999 16:41:11 -0400
(Was fun to read all the nuances gathered together - nice job michel -
practically the start of a topic guide. One nuance that i didn't notice
is additional leniency that the non-quoted ("name=", non-expr) dtml
style offers. Eg, the expression
<!--#if green_eggs-->
will evaluate to true if the var (or method) green_eggs exists and
evaluates true. Otherwise it will evaluate to false. On the other
<!--#if "green_eggs"-->
is similar *except* that an exception will be raised if the name
green_eggs is not defined. The former, non-expr version conveniently
tolerates unbound names. To tolerate unbound names in an expr you have
to get a lot more verbose - doing something like:
<!--#if "_.has_key('green_eggs') and green_eggs"-->
While this may seem unnecessary with the non-expr convenience, but
sometimes you need to distinguish definitively between undefined and
false values...)
Ken Manheimer