[Zope] ANNOUNCE: Zope/XML Roadmap
Amos Latteier
Wed, 21 Jul 1999 11:33:22 -0700
At 10:36 AM 7/21/99 +0200, you wrote:
>Anyway, an Ordered Folder can be useful independent from XML -- you guys
>want to change the management interface, so I presume you want all
>Folders to become ordered. I think this would be useful anyway for many
>non XML-ish tasks, like a folder containing news messages (ordered by
>posting date), or FAQ questions, or something similar, and it doesn't
>seem as if there'll be many backward compatibility problems, so I
>suppose that's the best idea.
Actually, as I recently found out from Jim, ObjectManagers are already
ordered. It's just that you can't manipulate that order.