[Zope] Re: Zope Calendar

Jason Spisak webmaster@mtear.com
Thu, 22 Jul 1999 07:18:19 -0800

> I see from a message you sent to the Zope mailing list that you are an
> expert with Ty Sarna's Calendar.

Flatery will get you everywhere.;^) I figured it all out because Ty (as
all of Zope is) made it Open Source!  Thanks again Ty.  Actually I
consider myself a novice with the calendar because I still can't get it
to change color.;)  But the Catalog is something I've been working with
for a bit.

>What might I conceivably
> put into my DTML documents that would replace the lines in your exampe code
> that go:
>   <!--#in "Catalog(recruiter=AUTHENTICATED_USER.getUserName())"-->

This line only gets me the objects that "belong" (have a property named
'recruiter' that has the user name stored in it of the person who 'owns'
it) to that person.  Then I ask for only those objects that have a
scheduled date equal to the date that the calender tag is displaying.
>   <!--#if "calendar_date.dayOfYear()==date.dayOfYear()"-->
You might try to give the EventClass a property 'owner' and insert the
name of the user who creates it, as in <input type="hidden" name="owner"
value="<!--#var AUTHENTICATED_USER.getUserName()-->, and you can ask for
them by date using <!--#if
"mydateproperty.dayOfYear()==date.dayOfYear()"-->.  The "date" is a
property of the calendar tag.  

Incidentally, the whole ownership thing will be *much* easierr and
consistant when the Zope Portal Toolkit comes out in a bit.  The Owner
role already exists, but I haven't got around to messing with it.

Happy Zoping,

Jason Spisak