[Zope] sequence-item variable
Paul Chung Chee Soong
Tue, 27 Jul 1999 09:45:44
Thanks very much. The first option works!!! But only in IE. But it's
stilll ok, at this time. I have another question :
So after submitting the page, the snippet for the following page is at
<!--#in "REQUEST.form['pno']"-->
<!--#call "REQUEST.set('p1', sequence-item)"-->
<!--#var p1-->
It gave the error on the 2nd line. Why is it so? I'm sure we can change
the value of p1 a lot of times, but then I suspect the sequence-item
variable doesn't work in this way.
Please reply to hcsccs@prudential.com.my as well. TQ again.
From: Martijn Pieters
Sent: Friday, July 23, 1999 1:47 PM
To: Paul Chung Chee Soong; zope; pje
Subject: Re: [Zope] How to reference the list checkbox thru
In-Reply-To: <199907230312-9943@prudential.com.my>
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At 13:12 23/07/99 , Paul Chung Chee Soong wrote:
>Thanks again. I got you now. But how can I refer the checkbox via
>Javascript. For example, the name of the checkbox is 'pno:list'. I got
>error when refering to it's propoties:-
> document.myForm.pno[count].value or
> document.myForm.pno:list[count].value or
> document.myForm.pno[count]:list.value
>Is that possible??
Some untested options:
document.myForm.elements.items('pno:list', count).value
document.myForm.elements[indexOfFirstCheckbox + count].value
Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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