[Zope] Two tree tags in a DTML Method/Document?

Martijn Pieters mj@antraciet.nl
Tue, 27 Jul 1999 17:01:08 +0200

At 16:45 27/07/99 , Tony McDonald wrote:
>Am I doing something wrong, or can I only have one tree tag in a DTML 
>(excuse the gormless example, it was the quickest one I could find...)
><!--#tree id=alpha1 branches_expr="objectValues('Folder')"-->
>   <A HREF="<!--#var tree-item-url-->">
>     <!--#var title_or_id-->
>   </A>
><!--#tree id=alpha2 branches_expr="objectValues('Folder')"-->
>   Tree#2:<A HREF="<!--#var tree-item-url-->">
>     <!--#var title_or_id-->
>   </A>

Yup, you can only have one tree tag in a document. Bother eh?

Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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