[Zope] ANNOUNCE: Zope site makeover

Martijn Pieters mj@antraciet.nl
Wed, 28 Jul 1999 09:00:45 +0200

At 04:06 28/07/99 , Paul Everitt wrote:

>Bill wrote:
> > Well, I happened to be browsing the Zope site when you made the change
> > :-)
> >
> > One click and all was normal, scrolled down, clicked again
> > and wondered
> > what happened until I took a third look at the page. Damn that's cool.
>Versions _rock_.  Amos has been rolling in the changes over the course
>of about a week.
> > And, IMNSHO, it looks loads better (the larger font is a plus in my
> > book)!
>Ahh, an oft-heard complaint to the info email address.  Glad it looks
>good, and any Linux browsers out there, fire when ready if it still
>looks awful.

I see you also took care of another oft-heard complaint: Certain 
documentation with long code-example-lines are now by default shown without 
the Zope.org table layout. No more excessive scrolling!

I like the new look. Now bring on the Zope 2/PTK features!

Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
| Antraciet http://www.antraciet.nl
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