[Zope] Knowing enough to get into trouble
Martijn Pieters
Sat, 12 Jun 1999 21:57:26 +0200
At 23:26 8-6-99 , Zope on a Rope wrote:
>I've got a mildly modified tree control that I stole from Zbook that does
>everything a tree should do. I've also got at least one folder I'd like to
>hide from the tree. Right now I'm just hiding a folder programatically by
>starting its title with 'zzz'.
> <!--#if expr="title[0:3] != 'zzz'"-->
> ... show the tree
>So far, so good. It doesn't show up on the tree display.
>But I'm one of those anal retentives that likes to keep things tidy. I'd
>like to create a sub directory to hold my images, etc., and if I nest the
>folders, the little +/- sign shows up. If the folder title starts with
>'zzz', it even hides the folder but shows a heirarchy of +/- gizmos.
First of all, glad to see someone finds my code useful =)
Second, sorry for the late answer, I became a father again last week, I am
a bit behind with my email.
The ZBook tree displays only documents of type DTML Document, and Folder,
that's what branches_expr="objectValues(['Folder', 'DTML Document'])"
means. This also means that _DTML Methods_ are not included. So if you
recreate the zzz document as a DTML Method, it will be excluded.
If this raises some inposibilities, you should try and exclude it at the
branches_expr level. You could do this by writing an external method, that
calls objectValues(['Folder', 'DTML Document']) and removes any unwanted
documents from this list before returning this, and then using this
external method in branches, or branches_expr if you need to pass variables.
Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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