[Zope] trouble with Zope 2.0.0a1, manage_addZGadflyMethod
Aaron Watters
Wed, 02 Jun 1999 16:36:09 -0400
Michel Pelletier @digicool.com relates:
> Hopefully, we will have a working version of the latest gadfly bundled
with zope
> 2.0 final.
Quick comment: the main gadfly 1.0 engine is *not* threadsafe, and I
hear rumors that zope 2.0 is multithreaded. I recommend that each
instance be protected by a lock to disallow multiple threads from
to update or query a given gadfly instance at the same time. There are
number of places where extremely unlikely circumstances might lead to
spectacular failures otherwise. In my experience you will never detect
potential problem like this in testing -- it will only occur during peak
usage by your most important customer -- and you won't be able to
the problem after that either... Of course if there are more than one
lock around deadlocks also might be concievable afiak...
A word to the wise... -- Aaron Watters
If you think you're smart enough to do multithreaded programming
you're not. -- Jim Ahlstrom's variant of the Catch 22