[Zope] (116) unable to connect, fd=3
Michel Pelletier
Thu, 3 Jun 1999 10:56:31 -0400
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tim Hawes [mailto:tim.hawes@ncmail.net]
> Sent: Thursday, June 03, 1999 11:32 AM
> To: Michel Pelletier; zope@zope.org
> Subject: Re: [Zope] (116) unable to connect, fd=3
> This seems to be the bit of code it chokes on:
> <!--#sendmail smtphost="smtp.ncmail.net" -->
> To: 9198343441.<!--#var expr=REQUEST.form['pin']-->@pagenet.net
> From: <!--#var expr=REQUEST.form['from']-->
> <!--#var expr=REQUEST.form['message']-->
> <!--#/sendmail-->
> But isn't this up to spec?
Nope. You need quotes around the expressions, as in expr="". It should
raise a syntax error, however. Why this bombs your python is unknown,
must be a bug of some kind. Put quotes around your expressions and try
it again.
BTW, <!--#var expr="blah.blah['blah']"-->
is the same as <!--#var "blah.blah['blah']"-->
You don't need expr= anymore, it's use is depreciated. If your var
argiment is in double quotes, it's an expression.
> --
> Tim Hawes
> tim.hawes@ncmail.net