[Zope] (116) unable to connect, fd=3

Tim Hawes tim.hawes@ncmail.net
Fri, 04 Jun 1999 13:48:17 +0000

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Michel Pelletier wrote:

> > I wish I knew
> > more of its nature. :-/
> >
> Put just this bit of DTML into a method (lets it's called 'themethod')
> somewhere in your root Zope folder.
> *Shut down Zope*
> go to 'Zopedir/lib/python'
> do this:
> [michel@aldous python]$ python
> Python 1.5.1 (#2, Jan 26 1999, 10:47:10)  [GCC] on linux2
> Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam
> >>> import ZPublisher, Main
> >>>
> ZPublisher.Main('themethod?pin=blah&from=blah@blah.com&message=blahblah'
> )
> 'themethod' should be the name of the method containing the errant DTML
> code
> 'pin', 'from', and 'message' should be sensable values that make your
> code fail through the web also.
> ZPublisher.Main has the effect of calling 'themethod' just like a web
> request would.  Something is happening to make your pcgi connection fail
> with the Zope long running process, and thus you cannot see the error
> that the python process is giving you.  Since pcgi is not involved in
> this little test, you will see the error printed on your terminal.  It
> could be a syntax error, a core dump, an SMTP error that causes
> something to get sent to stderr instead of raising an exception, who
> knows.  Sniff it out.

Well, first thing this morning, I tried it out, and could not reproduce the
error. In fact it successfully paged
the pin number I used. Here is what I have found:

If I start ZPublisher manually within python (import ZPublisher, Main) the
page works, if it is started from a connection through the
web (Zope.cgi) I get the (116) unable to connect, fd=3 error. Are we
getting warmer?


Tim Hawes

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