[Zope] KnotMail, Portal Toolkit, WebDAV --Best Collaboration
Robert O'Connor
Robert O'Connor" <bob@rocnet.com
Fri, 4 Jun 1999 12:12:52 -0400
I'm excited to see that the Zope Portal Toolkit will be here soon.
Hopefully there are plans to "Walk the walk" with the Portal
Toolkit for the Zope community. By this I mean, Subscribers
to this mail list (and others) should be able to "Become a Member...
by visiting a Zope portal home page..."
What are the best ways to collaborate?
Currently we have 3 zope mail lists that are also mirrored
on the web based http://www.egroups.com/list/zope/
Can the ZOPE community benefit from actually using
the Portal Toolkit for our collaboration here?
So far, I prefer mail lists because I can organize them into
folders and search using my EMail Client. I see a benefit
and occasionally use the web based egroups copy when
I'm not at my primary computer.
It looks like the product KnotMail, shown as part of the
Portal toolkit could perform many if not all the functionality
of my e-mail client but be on THE server so I can access
it anywhere with any browser.
*Are there specs for KnotMail?
-Can mail automatically be routed to specific folders?
-Can mail messages be moved, copied or flagged?
-Can full text searches be performed on mail (subject &
body) and limited by date?
-Can I maintain a ".mailproto" file so I can
BOUNCE From SpamKing@aol.com
DISCARD From sales@competitor.com
FORWARD To . bob@rocnet.com
Currently I can flag messages of interest. What about
multiple flags, what about viewing messages in threaded
What about mail list messages that remain on the server
that allow me to mark my personal view of messages
into various categories: (Example:)
1)Total Trash -- I never want to see it again or any
future messages from ___
2) Total Trash -- I never want to see it again
2) Keep in distant archive
3) Keep - reference
3) Keep - Interesting
4) Important - Keep in current folder
Some Mail could evolve into a slashdot.org type format such
as Story and Comments. I really like the way that comments
are moderated and promoted and demoted on a scale
-1,0,1,2,3,4,5 Then, a user can set a threshold so that only
the "best" messages (just 4's and 5's for example) are viewed.
WebDav has been discussed but this seems to have a place
when collaborating on documentation but not for general discussion.
(I admit to knowing little about WebDav and would love to see
a working example)
By the way, I really don't like Newsgroups... mostly because
of the "noise". Recently on another MailList that I subscribed to
the managers wanted to go to Newsgroup from MailList format
and member OVERWELMINGLY rejected the plan. Also,
newsgroups are often not available inside firewalls.
So what is the big picture? What do other Zopers think?
-Bob OConnor bob@rocnet.com