[Zope] How to use an existing Gadfly DB from Zope

Joachim Schmitz perry@ac-copy.net
Sun, 6 Jun 1999 17:16:32 +0200 (CEST)


I ran the dbtest.py of the Gadfly distribution in the var/gadfly/dbtest
dir of my Zope-Installation. Then I created a Database Connection "test"
for the dbtest database, the name of the databasefile is test.gfd.
The I created a ZSQLmethod with this connection, with the simple query
"select * from alldrinkers", when testing this I always get:

Error, exceptions.NameError: 'ALLDRINKERS' no such relation in DB 

When accessing the same db direktly from Python like

import gadfly
c = gadfly.gadfly("test","dbtest")
cursor = c.cursor()
exe = cursor.execute
exe("select * from __table_names__")
print cursor.pp()
exe("select * from alldrinkers")
print cursor.pp()

I get results. Whats wrong here ?


Joachim Schmitz

 P R O F I . N E T  A G    *    Joachim Schmitz   * Senior Network Consultant
  profi.net                |    Aindlinger Str. 7   | Voice  +49 821 27062-0
  Hassler & Mair AG        |    86167 Augsburg      | Fax    +49 821 27062-99
                           |    Germany             | Email  js@profi.net