[Zope] Re: ZServer-1.0b1
Martijn Pieters
Tue, 15 Jun 1999 07:37:01 +0200
At 17:13 14-6-99 , Steve Spicklemire wrote:
>I should be more exhaustive. ;-) It appears to be only
>the Mac version of IE 4.0 that doesn't like the ':'.
>Wacky. Does the spec say anything about that?
>>>>>> "Steve" == Steve Spicklemire <steve> writes:
> Steve> IE doesn't like the 'HTTP/None: 401' it wants "HTTP/None
> Steve> 401 ..." ^
Oh yes, the HTTP spec specifically says the colon shouldn't be there. It
has been fixed quite a while ago in the CVS. The version of ZServer that
comes with Zope2.0.0a1 is fixed already, I believe.
Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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