[Zope] How to configure Zope & Python environment

Steve Spicklemire steve@estel.uindy.edu
Tue, 15 Jun 1999 08:33:10 -0500 (EST)


I'm not sure how you got to this. You don't need to 'compile'
Zope products. Zope does that for you when you start zope!
Just put your product in the Products folder and go. 

If your product appears in the list of installed products then
it's been compiled OK. If not... you need to stop zope and
try something like this:

import sys

sys.path = ['lib/python'] + sys.path

from Products.YourProductFolder import *

if that doesn't work... fix the syntax errors (;->) until
it does. Then restart zope and try again. If you get into
some problems *after* your product is installed. You can try
the interactive debugger:

import ZPublisher
print ZPublisher.Main("/path/to/your/product/instance/in/zope", d=1, u="")

good luck!