[Zope] <% ... %> ?
Jules Allen
Tue, 15 Jun 1999 09:28:56 -0400
At 08:36 AM 6/15/99 -0400, Paul Everitt wrote:
>> What makes it hideous? Is it the noice characters? (!--#)
>> Is it the number of shift characters? Is it the fact that
>> DTML don't look like other tags? Is it the tag in an attribute
>> problem mentioned above?
>I'd say, in order:
>1) It doesn't look like the competition. (which is largely <% or
>inventing their own tags).
>2) Excessive noise.
I'd swap those two around. Yes, PHP and ASP are similar but Cold Fusion is
more like The Zope Way. I used CF before I used ASP, as Allaire obviously
got there first, and my gut reaction to the <% %> delimiters after doing a
couple of years of CF was "thank the Maker!" <cfThis> ... </cfThis> and
<cfThat> ... </cfThat> is cumbersome to type, especially in the
pre-HomeSite days.
CF works exceptionally well for less technical end users as it's all a
bunch of widgets. Learn or look up the syntax and Bob's your uncle: You're
pulling stuff from databases and sending confirmation mails like a champion.
Paul, you mentioned that the chasm between DTML and external methods is
currently too great. I haven't had a chance to delve into externals yet but
maybe this idea of that DTML is for Power Users is valid. I hate to suggest
a Wizard but maybe some kind of DTML builder is necessary for those that
need training wheels?
I've already got a few test Zope/HomeSite definitions working. Maybe I'll
get them finished up this weekend or next. Anybody know a good way to get
permanent 4 day weekends? :-)
>3) When something interesting requires the expr machinery, you can only
>do one expression per line. (Note that this complaint isn't slated to
>be solved by a syntax change in DTML, just that it is a common
I do understand your previous statement about separation of 'reporting' and
'logic' and I think it's a good one. However, from a user perspective, I
only know how to clumsily use a hammer (DTML) right now so everything looks
like a nail to me. Separation of Church and State is a lofty goal and both
bleed into each other's turf.
>[syntax/tool support observations snipped]
>Here's a chance for all of you folks out there with expertise in HTML
>tools (Dreamweaver, FrontPage, Cyberstudio, Alpha, Emacs, etc.) to weigh
As I said, I've got sample HomeSite definitions on the go but I'd really
like to get my head around doing a (vi|vim) definition style as it's a
better editor for my needs. I've never done one but I'm sure it can't be
that hard. Of course Emacs is a nice operating system but I prefer Linux at
home so I can't comment on that ;-)
>> > 2) Becoming well-formed means the authors can be given hints before
>> > saving changes,
>> Good point.
Erm, #var seems kind of fluid and only a very, very smart editor would be
able to offer hints effectively.
>Let's say you rename a document. Nearly all the competition will update
>all the references to the document.
...and links, etc...
I'd also like to say how refreshing and intelligent the comments from
everybody are. So far I can't find one email where anybody's been called an
a**hole. ;-)
ZINU-(Zope-is-Not-USENET)-ly-yrs, baby!
"There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch."
-- Tim <0.8 wink> Peters