[Zope] Use Amaya! Even PCWeek recommends it! -- WAS: IE/Netsc ape Authoring ... ...

Rob Page rob.page@digicool.com
Thu, 17 Jun 1999 11:00:00 -0400

> wow. It's a while since I looked at Amaya - ( 
> http://www.w3.org/Amaya/ )
> and it's certainly improved a lot 
> since then.
> what's it's publishing like when editing Zope objects? 

Hmmm.. I had that same question.. I downloaded and installed Amaya and
started tinkering with some Zope objects.  Unfortunately, I have bad

o  obviously, opening, for example, index_html gives you the rendered
version -- a problem for even maintaining <!--#var
standard_html-footer--> type references which Amaya snarfs out.  :^(

o  Then I tried creating a simple_content object and wrapping it in
simple DTML refereces


<!--#var standard_html_header-->
<!--#var simple_content-->
<!--#var standard_html_footer-->

where simple_content contained only legal HTML.  Unfortunately, Amaya
saw that the content object lacked legal HTML headers and footers and
provided them to me resulting in, for example,  redundant HTML and BODY

o  it does say that I could, ostensible after R'ing TFM plug in my own,
more promiscuous, DTD and circumvent some of these issues

o  On the upside it seems MUCH more reliable on large/complicated PUTs
than Composer -- possible making it a reasonable low-rent content
authoring mechanism...  It certainly _does_ keep the resulting HTML
