[Zope] JOBOP Director of Software Development
Mon, 21 Jun 1999 15:22:37 -0700 (PDT)
Since your email address was listed on a related web site
page or database, I thought you might help. I am seeking an
individual within the following conditions:
I represent a leader in providing interactive Information
Technology services, particularly new media self-service
applications, in the United States. Currently they are
looking for a Director of Software Development for their
Southern Connecticut office. In this role, an individual will
provide technical leadership to Project Managers and
programmers working on a variety of internal and external
development projects. In addition, the Director or Software
Development will be responsible for Quality Assurance,
Human Resources Management, and Technical Sales
Support. The ideal candidate will have at least 5 years of
experience managing a software development department
or team in a structured company environment with world
class processes and quality assurance, preferably ISO 9000.
Knowledge of Internet technology and programming
languages in the Unix and Microsoft environments,
including HTML, Java, Javascript, CGI, Perl, C/C++, ASP,
or Visual Basic, is preferred. In order to effectively manage
the software development group, the manager must have a
solid understanding of both large and small scale relational
database technology and design. For the right person, the
salary can go as high as $100,000 with generous bonuses
and a great benefits package.
Geographic Location of Position: Branford, CT
If you know anyone that might be interested, please
forward this to them or contact:
Megan McCullough
Diedre Moire Corporation
Voice: 609-584-9000 ext 275
Fax: 609-584-9575
Email: 915602@candseek.com
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