[Zope] Zope Network Clients ?

Paul Everitt paul@digicool.com
Tue, 22 Jun 1999 07:19:17 -0400

Petru Paler wrote:
>    What are Zope Network Clients ? I saw a reference on them at the bottom
> of the ZSQL guide.

The Z Network Client is commercial software that lets you do distributed
processing in Zope.  The basic idea is that you have a local object that
is a proxy for a remote searchable object (such as a SQL Method).

Local content managers can't tell the difference.  Request information
goes into the object, tabular data comes out.  Behind the scenes,
though, the request data is packed up and encrypted, sent to the remote
object using HTTP, and the result is packed up and encrypted.  There is
an option for caching the results.

Unfortunately, the Network Client is, like the rest of our commercial
offerings, on hold as we finish up the two big releases (Zope2 and the
portal toolkit) while also doing customer work.  For any specific
questions, please feel free to email me.
