[Zope] ANN: Zope XML-RPC!

Martijn Pieters mj@antraciet.nl
Tue, 22 Jun 1999 17:15:36 +0200

At 03:28 22/06/99 , Eric Kidd wrote:
>Try Zope 2.0a3, which includes the necessary XML-RPC code as part of the
>standard distribution. I've just finished testing this on a Linux box (from
>a fresh install, using ZServer) and it seems to work fine.
>For those of you who are into XML-RPC, I'll have some new tools later this
>week. I've got some really neat demos which I'll post to
><http://linux.userland.com/> in the future.

I saw that the CVS version still uses xmlrpclib.py version 0.9.5. Version 
0.9.8 is out, and has some bug fixes, speed improvements and support 
pluggable XML parsers:

# 1999-02-10 fl  Fixed problem with empty responses (from Skip Montanaro)
# 1999-06-20 fl  Speed improvements, pluggable XML parsers and HTTP transports

Maybe you and DC should update to that version.

Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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