[Zope] User access to multiple folders
Wed, 23 Jun 1999 15:10:10 +0100
Right, but then that becomes one role per folder. Hmmm... I think my problem
is that the structure of the site is a bunch of folders representing
projects, generally people restricted to those projects, plus some select
few who also have permissions on a different part of the tree. But you're
right, I do effectively want to establish per-project groups, and a role is
as good a way as any, just slightly unwieldy for 100 projects, not in
principle of course, just on the page...
Anyway, will give it a whirl and see how far I get. Thanks Martijn!
-----Original Message-----
From: Martijn Pieters [mailto:mj@antraciet.nl]
Sent: 23 June 1999 15:54
To: Alex.Thomas@dresdnerkb.com; zope@zope.org
Subject: Re: [Zope] User access to multiple folders
At 15:40 23/06/99 , Alex.Thomas@dresdnerkb.com wrote:
>I'd like to allow a user folder-specific access to multiple folders in the
>hierarchy. This means of course that I want one user ACL entry at some high
>level above the two folders, then the ability to reference that user from a
>permissions form in both folders. Is this sort of thing being worked on as
>part of the Portal development?
>Thanks folks
Just give the user a role, say 'Member', then give that role access to the
You could also use local roles. Give only certain users the local role
Member on certain objects, for instance, the folders you mentioned.
Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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