[Zope] RFC: Multiple databases
Anthony Pfrunder
Mon, 28 Jun 1999 10:23:46 +1000 (GMT+1000)
[The following is also in the Collecter under features. I'm posting this
as it relates to the above messages.]
My thoughts on extensions to Zope:
I'm <will be> working on constructing an additional Data.fs plugin
(dropover FileStorage.py) which may be of use. The idea is to store stuff
on the native filesystem and put properties etc in prop.x (ie the
properties for file1.txt are in prop.file1.txt). The advantage of this is
that it allows ppl to have a smb connection to a shared directory hence
allowing them to more easily update the files. Of course, this means that
you lose the ability to undo changes.
This database could be enhanced by allowing it to reconize Microsoft
Office documents and store properties directly in the document itself.
This means that the properties now travel with the document.
The second part of this proposal is to produce a Product which allows you
to "mount" a database onto a subpath. This is very similiar to importing
the database except that they are kept separate. These means that
toplevel stuff goes into one Data.fs and the department Data.fs contains
/Department/... stuff. This way, you can have a consistent style across
various webservers just by running multiple copies of Zserver. In
addition, you could make toplevel.fs read-only to protect it. This
Product should be able to handle different filesystems (ie the current
one, the above one and others)
Anthony Pfrunder